Archive for Kenn Blanchard

The Racist Violence Policy Center

Posted in Black Interests with tags , on February 19, 2010 by Gary Johnson

By Kenn Blanchard

Being a law abiding gun owner today is almost as tough as it was after slavery.  Not only do you have people and organizations that blame firearms for society’s ills but some groups like the Violence Policy Center (supposedly a national non-profit educational foundation) thinks that Black Men In America should be denied access to guns for their own safety.  In the article based on 2007 statistics from Pennsylvania cites data “from the FBI–and ranks the 50 states according to their black homicide victimization rates.”

The blogs that supported this Violence Policy Center study and gained my ire actually said white people would be better off if people of color didn’t have firearms. Wow, let me check the calendar. This is 2010 is it not?

In 1870, many states had laws called the Black Codes that prevented people of color from owning anything for self defense.  It is 90% of the reason our great grandmothers didn’t want us to have a gun in the house.  She didn’t want to lose us to the law.  This maternal instinct to save the black man has been passed down.  While some things have changed some things are still the same.  We didn’t have rights then and rarely stand up for them today.

Anyone without a historical background about the origins of gun control would fall for this covert attempt to persuade people to act. Violence of any kind is wrong. Violence from any group is wrong. Violence occurs from more factors than race or ethnicity. Violence festers where there is no hope, education, and substance addictions. Victims of violence come in all colors. Just like the racist that promote disarmament of free people through the tears of mothers that have lost their children to the streets.

I am so glad the number of free-thinking, freedom loving people is growing. This could be a scary thought if these jokers were in charge of anything. This group should be dismantled, and stripped for its disinformation; fear mongering and hate based political agenda wrapped so neatly in politically incorrect monologues.

Since 1991, I’ve been a trainer, and advocate for the right of self defense and self reliance.  Now I have a growing podcast called The Urban Shooter where I have a blast entertaining and sharing my knowledge of these things for free on the internet.  Check it out on

You can also read more of Kenn’s articles on Black Men In

Gun Owners in DC

Posted in Black America, Black Interests, Black Men with tags , , , on August 6, 2008 by Gary Johnson

By Kenn Blanchard

In late June, the US Supreme Court reversed a thirty-two year old prohibition that made handgun ownership legal for its residents. Unfortunately, it will take Herculean effort to comply with the law after the system put in place by the Mayor of the District of Columbia and his political partners. This system equals the “Twelve Labors of Hercules” to prevent the good citizen of the District from exercising their right.

If you want to legally own a handgun in DC you have to be like Hercules in addition to being law abiding. While you don’t have to “kill the hydra” you do have to provide more personal information about yourself than you do anywhere else. You can only register a revolver because under DC law, a semi-automatic is considered a machine gun. You don’t have to “retrieve the golden apples” but you do have to buy your gun only from a licensed firearms dealer from DC. There are no dealers at of the time of this writing. To comply with the registration process you have to surrender your firearm for ballistic testing with no written guarantee that the city won’t confiscate it. You don’t have to clean the Stables of Argus but you can’t own ammo without this permit. You don’t have to bring in the “three-headed dog of the underworld” like Hercules had to do to satisfy the evil king but you do have to prove your residence, surrender to fingerprinting, take a written test and questionnaire, and pay for this permit.

Fortunately, more and more people are realizing that everything they have heard about gun control is a lie and starting to seek the truth for themselves. Request for firearms have increased. They see it in the increasing numbers of criminals that prey on the unarmed. They see it on the numbers of people killed, raped and robbed by people that do not compulsorily get fingerprinted, submit to a FBI background check, volunteer to go through a waiting period for their handgun and register it with their city, town or state. Laws only affect the law abiding. There have been increasing numbers of people that are traveling out of the city to learn from renowned instructors.

The story is still unfolding and the jury is still out on how politicians are going to work this issue but you can believe I’ll be in the mix.

Kenn Blanchard aka Black Man With A

Host of The Urban Shooter Podcast on iTunes and